I have not posted in an insane amount of time, I know that is defeating the purpose of this blog. Life at my house has been a big ball of stress lately. My honey's job transferred him to a new position that required stair climbing which he is unable to do because of a knee injury. He has a disability rating and the department was aware of the condition. They refused to transfer him or accommodate and instead put him on leave for 60 days and then laid him off. Today is the munchkin's last day at the sitter until he finds a new job and in the meantime he is looking at all his options for going back to school. In addition to this we found out we are pregnant with a child we are excited about but were told we could not have. I know there is a plan in all of this and it will work out but the stress is sometimes overwhelming. I need to remain the calm and happy one since I am pregnant and my honey is feeling responsible and depressed over the situation. Who knows what the future holds but we will soon be finding out.
On a happy note my seed catalog came in the mail and I am very determined to have a more productive garden this year.