I managed to locate the Kroger receipt!
Kroger Purchase:
1 Little Debbie Snack Cake (Oatmeal Creme Pies to be specific)
1 Juicy Fruit Taffy ( Free item from Kroger downloads)
3 Kool-Aid Juice boxes
1 Milk
2 blocks cheese
1 pkg sliced colby jack
2 packages chocolate donuts
1 pkg bacon bits
1 pkg diapers
1 pkg ice cream sandwiches
1 pkg baby wipes
1 pkg feminine napkins
2 pkg dishwasher detergent
1 pkg toilet paper
1 women's deodorant
2 men's deodorant
1 generic Velveeta
4 large bottles of juice
2 containers oatmeal
1 box generic Bisquick
1 box tea bags
1 jar spaghetti sauce
4 boxes fruit snacks
$48.96 SNAP
$23.75 Cash
I went home and used several of the rebate apps I have loaded on my phone to get money back. I got $7.95 back on Ibotta, $.25 on Checkout 51 and $1.50 on SavingsCart. I also uploaded the receipts to receipt hog for points.
When I was checking out and now that I am typing the list I feel the need to justify the purchases which I should not. Why should I feel obligated to say the purchases cover 2 snack days at Logan's school? These are the items I chose or Logan chose to get us through all the breakfasts, lunches and dinners for the month along with his turn at snack day.
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