Monday night went as smoothly as evenings can go at our house. On the way home from work I ran by sprouts to take advantage of some sale items.
Sprouts Trip:
1 pineapple
2 heads garlic
~1/3 lb of Granny Smith Apples
~1&1/2 lbs peaches
~1&1/4 lbs sweet potatoes
4 Think Thin bars
4 bags chips
1 pkg pork chops
2 pkgs thin cut steaks
1 pkg round steak
1 roast
1 muffin
Total: $24.36 SNAP
$10.69 Cash
Dinner was grilled steak, salad and corn on the cob. After dinner Phillip worked on homework and then got a shower. The kids got baths and then helped me while I steam mopped the kitchen and then vacuumed our room and the hallway.
Tuesday was a low day for me. I was just emotionally down and can not place what put me there. I just felt disconnected from friends. I have several FB groups going trying to feed one hungry family each month, share recipes for using up leftovers and recycling tips. I deleted 2 of the pages I ran and was debating about more because of lack of traffic. Every time I do this I take it personally as though I have somehow failed. I did get some push back when I posted I was going to close the leftover group so I will leave it alone for a while. Once home I fixed smoked sausage, steamed carrots with some brown sugar and rice for dinner and then did virtually nothing else. I sat on the couch and read a book until the boys needed to go to bed and then I moved into my room and read until I finished the book.
Wednesday I felt better as I got ready for work. Clark was awake and wanted me to hold him. I set him on the bathroom counter as I got ready and before long he fell into the sink. It did not hurt him but scared him so when I picked him up he peed out the top of his diaper all over me. This of course meant a change of clothes after comforting a scared baby and then a rush to get Logan to school on time. After work I stopped at Target for some milk as Phillip told me they had opened the last gallon. Once home I fixed spaghetti for dinner and then we started on more crayons. Crayon production went through bath time and the figures were left to cool overnight while everyone slept. Logan was a toot before bed and almost lost his electronics today.
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