Monday, February 22, 2016

Books Feb 13th Through Feb 22nd

This post will go pretty quickly as I have been slowly reading print volumes lately. I have been wait listed for most of the audio I am interested in.

With that said since the last post I did finish Little Pink House and enjoyed it. It was very informative about both grass roots efforts to change laws and the current status of eminent domain. Until this morning this was the last audio book I had to listen to. Honestly out of almost sheer desperation for something to listen to while driving back and forth to work I picked up A Troublesome Inheritance which I will have to report on later since it just got off the ground.

As for print books I finished The Great Beanie Baby Bubble.  This was an interesting book on a crash in the collecting world that I can relate to since I was an adult during the bubble. After I finished it I tackled Fed Up With Frenzy. I finished this book pretty quickly and was really disappointed. I should have probably thumbed through the book rather than just going with the title. The book really should be 1001 craft projects to make you feel more like a slacker than pinterest ever could. I also can not understand how that many craft projects is going to make my life less frantic. This is one I should have passed on. Once I finished it Saturday I picked Blessing The Hands That Feed Us back up and I am determined to finish it. I stopped when I realized she had a prior novel but now that I have finished that one I feel free to read this one. It has been an easy read due to her writing style even though the subject matter can be very heavy. I go back and forth between actually doing a local eating challenge and just informally doing the best I think I can.

I am going to list some cookbooks that I have "read". Really I just looked through them to see if there were enough recipes that I want to try before I purchase the book. Cooking Light's Essential Recipe Collection : Slow Cooker: 57 Essential Recipes to Eat Smart, Be Fit, and Live Well. I was not sold on this book as the recipe I made for dinner on Saturday was the only one I was even interested in. Next was Southern Living Fix it and Freeze it/ Heat it and Eat it: A Quick -Cook Guide to Over 200 Make-ahead Dishes. This one was amazing and I have been looking for a copy to purchase.  The last one I checked out over the weekend was Every Grain of Rice. This is not one I will purchase. I really liked the explanations and text as well as equipment guide but there were just not enough recipes that my family would eat to make it worth purchasing.

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