The solar company has been great about answering our questions and yes we have had quite a few. We knew they were transferable to another house if we wanted them to move with us but we also have the option of transferring to the purchaser of our house. So if someone wants to buy our house and take over the contract on the panels that is an option. Another question was the difference in the rate we were told and the rate on the contract. The contract was actually less than we were quoted and it turns out that the contract is correct. They can put more panels on the roof than they originally thought so we will offset more of our electrical usage. Our other question left us with an answer we did not want to hear. We have used Green Mountain electric for about 10 years and I have loved them so when I called each year to check for lower rates they almost always found me one and I would agree to another contract. This means my contract is not up until January 8th, the solar company is their own electric company and so we can not use them until January 9th. We are still discussing this because the solar panels can still be installed and functioning but they would just be feeding the grid not our house. I obviously do not want to pay the penalty because it is essentially giving money away which is something I do not have to throw around. Something I am going to cost out though is the amount I would save by paying the penalty and going solar now. If I would say more than the penalty it might still be worth it. They are also giving a referral fee for anyone else who uses them for panels and this would also offset the cost of the penalty. It is something I need to weigh before making a final decision.
Will finish up the post later.....
As for Bill Nye invading my life. Logan is now obsessed with Bill Nye and is always wanting to do experiments. We have done the volcano, a geyser and most recently a flood plane model.
The latest Bill Nye conversation was as follows:
Logan: Mama, your left lung is smaller than your right lung.
Me: What?
Logan: Your left lung is smaller than your right lung, it makes room for your heart.
Me: I have never heard this
Logan: Bill Nye told me
Soo I am always interested in what new facts I am going to learn when I get home.
As a catch up on meals I can at least remember we had. Last Friday night I made these Original Ranch Pork Chops. They were not great, just ok. It is not something I would make again. Saturday night I made Crock Pot Garlic Paprika Chicken. My review on this recipe is that it is good. I did cut the number of garlic cloves and will add more paprika next time. The chicken was deboned and served over steamed rice. I used the bones and garlic/onions from the recipe to start a rich stock overnight. Sunday night I took the leftover chicken, some steamed broccoli, the end of my velveeta as well as the ends of 2 kinds of pasta and made a casserole. Monday night I grilled out a small steak we had and served this with corn on the cob. Last night was major cheat night and I went through the drive through at Rosa's for beans and tortillas. Logan had beans, I had a bean burrito and Phillip had tacos. I honestly have no idea what I am going to make tonight.
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