So the update from Tuesday's solar visit. The technician stated our roof is in great condition and will hold the panels. He was going to send the specs to engineering and then they will call us to set up a time for installation. From there we have to have Oncor come out and inspect the panels. Crossing our fingers that this process is painless.
I picked up the kids yesterday and then headed home. The plan originally was to have pork chops from the crock pot but I did not put them on before I left, a mistake which I repeated today. So after picking up the kids with a surprise for Logan which he turned out to not want we headed home to fix dinner. This happens no matter what the surprise is, the kids are no longer in the mood for the item or they no longer like that food item. This of course meant that Phillip ended up with 2 packages of Reese's Peanut Butter cups which did not hurt his feelings. Phillip and I talked about his day while I got the other 3 items I bought put up and the receipts loaded on the apps. I pulled 2 of the pork chops out of the package and put a marinade of olive oil and spices on them while the grill heated up. I am happy that Phillip was able to fix the ignition button on the grill so we could use it some more. While that was heating up and the pork chops marinating I shucked some corn and got that going on the stove top.
Dinner was good and fairly early which gave me time to play with the kids some and get a few more items listed on the trade group.
I am still on the fence as to whether Logan has pink eye or not. I second guess myself a ton when the kids have symptoms but no clear cut illness. It may be his allergies and it may be pink eye. They have been matted the last couple of mornings but they are not running, not pink and he has no pain so I am totally not sure. Tonight I am going to dose him with some kiddy zyrtec and see what they look like tomorrow.
I am also going to get a picture of Clark if he is still doing it tonight. He keeps finding the dogs bone and crawling around the house with it hanging out of his mouth.
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