Saturday morning came around and I woke up when I normally would for work and then realized I did not need to. Sadly I could not stay in bed as long as I wanted because we had to get up and going. The kids were still asleep since they were up past their bedtime the night before so I went ahead and got myself ready and put some biscuits in the oven for breakfast. Luckily Phillip needed to go to the post office so I pawned my packages off on him. Not having to go to the post office did save some time which considering the amount of stuff we needed to do that morning was great. I was trying to juggle a 10:00 build and grow at Lowe's with a 10:15 pick up of produce at bountiful basket. We left the house later than I wanted so I headed straight to the produce pick up site and noticed the truck was still there unloading so I did not even stop. We headed by Lowe's to pick up the build and grow with plans to build it later. After loading the kids back up we headed back to the produce site just in time to be the last pick up. Once that was all loaded into the car we went by the farmer's market where I picked up some squash, zucchini, cantaloupe, watermelon, and green beans. One of the farmer's gave me a pattypan squash for Clark since he was trying to eat the other squash raw. We managed to finish all of this just a little past 11am which was when the scarecrow build at the garden center started. They were offering all supplies free if you brought a shirt and pants so we did. During the process I became the exception to an unspoken rule. I actually let my child do the scarecrow mostly by himself. He needed help with the stuffing so I helped him with that and when he used all of his paint I fetched some more but I let him paint. As I looked around I noticed all the other moms and dads were painting "perfect" faces on their scarecrows. One family even brought a crayon to draw on the face before they painted it. I will totally admit to getting frustrated with Logan when he insisted on painting the pants and the shirt and then redoing the hair but I can say it is completely his scarecrow.
I will take another picture once we get our front yard decorated and the scarecrow has a home. After we left the garden center with the scarecrow and some plants we headed to McDonald's for lunch. After lunch it was the library and then home to unload. The unloading turned into several hours as I needed to hang some laundry out and the tiny one needed a nap. I worked on the house and worked out pick up of this month's donation for the needy family. By the time Clark woke up Phillip was heading out for his 20 year high school reunion. We could not afford for both of us to go and pay a sitter so off he went. The boys and I loaded up again and went to Winco for some grocery shopping and then on to a trade. After the trade we went by and picked up some pizza and breadsticks for dinner. I should have just bought the breadsticks for Logan since that is all he really wanted to eat and I was not all that hungry. Once we were home we unloaded again and then had some dinner. Baths and bed came late again since dada was not home.
Sunday the boys were horrible! Logan pouted his way through church and lunch out. Clark was not intentionally being bad but he does not want to sit anywhere so a restaurant is really hard for him. We decided to not eat out after church on Sunday anymore until the boys are older. This of course will save us some money and honestly a ton of stress. After we unloaded from church on Sunday the boys and I headed back out to finish our grocery shopping for the month. Once that was unloaded and put up we worked on the yard and hauled out the Halloween decorations. I underestimated how deep some of the tree roots in the front yard were. I ended up just cutting one of them off when I had dug down the length of my leg. I also discovered I am going to have to do a lot more prep work than I estimated to get my path laid in the front yard. Oh well, I guess the reward will come when it is finally finished. I am going to close out this post with a sweet picture I took at the Garden Center on Saturday.
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