Monday, October 12, 2015

Dealing with Drama at Work

I do not want to go into a whole lot of detail on a blog but there has been some drama at my workplace which really came to a head last Tuesday. It has reinforced the point to me that I need to make a plan to move on. I have been in this job for 12 years and really have become comfortable which is itself not a bad thing. I generally really like the people I work with and our patients. The newest drama has made me step back, enlist some help with my resume and delete most of my co workers off my facebook account. I have to trust that this will be the best decision in the long run.

Tuesday evening I used some roast leftover from church potluck, the rest of the sour cream I had on hand, the ends of 2 types of pasta and rehydrated some mushrooms to make stroganoff.

Wednesday night I grilled hot dogs and made homemade mac and cheese.

While my sister was here I cleaned out my freezer, reorganized it and made an inventory list with the hopes of making a meal plan.

Thursday night I fixed the frozen pizza off the inventory because I once again did not take anything out of the freezer before leaving for work.

Friday night was crazy in that Phillip had to take the kids with him to run the sound for a concert at the last minute. It was a benefit concert for our pastor's wife to walk in the Komen 3-day walk. Since that changed plans I ended up leaving work, completing a last minute trade on the way and then getting to the church and picking up the kids. They had McDonald's for dinner on the way to the concert so I did not fix anything for dinner until a few hours later when Logan told me he was hungry again. They both got baths and stayed up way later than they should have. We got a little house cleaning done and stuff together for Saturday which was a crazy busy day. Clark fell asleep about 11pm and then I snuggled with Logan for a bit and then carried him to his bed. By this time it was almost midnight and Phillip was still not home after texting that he was leaving at 11pm. I sent him a text which he responded to that he was just leaving. I fell asleep shortly after that and when I woke up at 3:30am he was still not in the bed so I texted him a question mark. As soon as I sent the text he walked in, evidently he had come home a little after 1 and just went in the office to do some homework.

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