Life has been full tilt here. I put off this post initially because I lost a receipt from Winco that had the majority of this month's grocery purchases on it. Looking everywhere I can think of it being has proved futile. That pretty much means I will just have to give totals from the beginning of the month and list purchases after that. We have also been down with sick kids. In fact this is my FB post from the day I was starting this blogpost:
"Was going to post yesterday but could not get Logan to bring me the
phone! Clark threw up all over the bed, his clothes and me when we got
home from church and I was putting him down for a nap. I immediately put
him in the bath tub and changed my clothes. He promptly pooped in the
bathtub which meant a water change and another soap off. After all this I
was cleaning up and he was still fussy so I sat in the comfy recliner
in our bedroom and let him sleep on me. There was a brief moment in time
when I was tempted to put him on the bed and continue cleaning but
instead just sat there and held him for an hour and a half. As stated
earlier though the older child could not find my phone even though I
told him exactly where it was so I could not take a picture of a sweet
sleeping baby."
This was followed by a good weekend where I took the kids to an independent kids bookstore and had a great experience. I will be going back there whenever I want to purchase kid's books, however I may go without the kids. Clark is getting to be a hand full whenever we are out somewhere.
Last weekend was a trial by vomit! Clark started throwing up about 30 minutes before I got home and continued until 12:47am. By that time I was pretty much out of towels and blankets. Saturday morning Phillip took Logan to his build and kept him out for a few hours while I worked on cleaning everything up. Laundry went all day! I will admit that while cleaning all of that up I got carried away and just started spring cleaning. I took the curtains and blinds down in our room and cleaned them as well as started sorting through some more stuff. About 2pm our modem went out and AT&T could not come until Sunday morning to fix it. So I stayed home with the kids and cleaned house some more while we waited for the internet to come back up. Clark was doing a ton better by this time so we went out to get some lunch and groceries. We had been trapped inside over the weekend cleaning so I took the boys to Rosa's to eat and then to Winco.
The calm was really the calm before another storm. At 2am on Monday Logan started throwing up. He threw up as kids do all over the bed, his clothes, and the floor in his room before I got in there and got him into the bathroom. I brought him to our bed and put a garbage can next to the bed. Needless to say it was a long night! I went to work and left all the boys asleep at home. The evidently slept until about 10am and everyone was better by the time I got home. Logan's teacher told me Tuesday that he was not the only boy out Monday with a stomach bug.
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