Saturday was a day when nothing went according to plan as usual.
Friday night on the way home I actually remembered to stop and get the vodka to make cranberry liqueur over the weekend. This has been a staple gift and trade item over the last few years and I needed to get it made since it has to set up for 3 weeks. I picked up the vodka and then headed to get the boys from the sitter. Phillip was still feeling horrible so I was thinking of taking the boys to McDonald's so they could play and eat. This would have also given me a few moments to read some of my current book. When I picked them up though Logan asked for Rosa's so that is where we went. After dinner I took the boys to Albertson's to pick up some items they had on sale and get some ginger ale for Phillip. The kids were acting crazy in the store so I was in a hurry to get out of there and then checking out turned into a disaster. The cashier hit herself in the eye with one of the handles on my cloth bags, the kids were still carrying on and then my WIC card would not work because she needed to put in a code. I was glad to get out of there and home only to discover I had been overcharged. I took a picture of my purchases and will head by there tonight I think to get a refund. Once we made it home I was not in the frame of mind to make anything so the kids got baths and played for a little while before we headed to bed.
Saturday morning I had to be at the co-op for pick up at 10:15. The kids were still asleep so I got up and started getting ready. It was not long before Clark was outside the door screaming so I let him in the bathroom with me. Then it was time to get breakfast and head out. Logan wanted to stay home so I took Clark with me for the first couple of errands and then told Logan to be ready when I came back to get him. I should have realized this was the beginning of the end for my orderly errand running.
Here is what the list originally looked like:
BB pick up
Bookstore for gifts
Target for sale items
Donation drop off for needy family
Half Price Books for event
Goodwill drop off
home for cleaning and crafts
This is what the day looked like in real time:
BB pickup with Clark
Bookstore with Clark
head toward home to pick up Logan for haircut since Phillip is too sick to take him
Get a call haircut is rescheduled because hairdresser is also sick
pick up Logan and items to be donated after unloading produce
Clark is asleep in car during this
Head to drop off donation Logan wants to play with Max
Send message to Caren to see is Max can play
Drop off donation for needy family
notice Little Free Library on same street so stop to see what they have and make a mental note to bring books by in exchange
Hear from Caren that Max really wants to play
Head toward Library to drop off books that are due, skip Half Price because Clark is still asleep and Logan does not want to go.
Logan is now hungry
Send message to Caren to see if Max would also like Mcdonald's, get their order, go through drive through
Play with Max and talk with Caren
Decided to leave and Logan tells me he peed on himself a little
Head toward home so Logan can change clothes and notice that tire light is on as well as low fuel light
Go home and get clothes changed as well as a fresh bottle for Clark
Head to the gas station and next door to Goodwill to donate remaining items
Go to discount tire where they tell me all my tires are low and by the way the front 2 are reaching hazardous status so looks like I will be getting tires for Christmas. Of course this upset me as I do not have the extra money to drop on tires and will have to figure out something next month in the middle of the holiday season.
Left discount tire and ran by Winco to pick up some items for Phillip's mom and then went home
Target was off the list totally because I was tired of being out and I need to save up money for tires as well as it was cold and getting dark.
Once home we worked on cleaning the house and making the cranberry liqueur. There were a few of the produce items we were not going to use so I listed them on the trade group and had a trade set up pretty quickly. Sunday morning was going to be pot luck at church and so I needed to get the stuff made and packaged ready to go. I made Cranberry Apple Bake and Sweet Potato Casserole with Pecan Crumble. I stowed these in the fridge and cleaned up most of the mess.
Sunday morning went a touch smoother as I got up and got ready for church. The boys had breakfast and played while I loaded up the car and then we headed to church. Once we made it home Clark and I took a nap while Logan watched TV and Phillip worked on homework. After naps were over I got started cleaning up the house and then the boys got baths. After baths we made some more cranberry liqueur until I ran out of vodka. I will have to swing by and pick up more tonight so I can make more batches.
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