Friday I left work and on the way home decided to sprint by Target to take advantage of a couple of sale items while I had no children.
Target Trip:
3 Large cans of formula
3 cans of baby snack puffs
2 bottles of juice
1 pkg chicken legs
1 box yogurt
2 pkgs of shredded cheese
1 bottle shampoo ( I will be returning this, not what I needed)
2 pkgs pepperoni
Subtotals: $40.92 Cash
$12.97 SNAP
I went home and scanned the receipts in all the apps I have for money back. Then I fixed bacon and pancakes for dinner. This is something easy, filling and inexpensive especially since I had not pulled anything out to thaw that morning. My fridge and freezer were also packed with items for the family my group was collecting for this month.
Saturday the boys and I set out early for a busy day of errands. Logan would recite this list to a couple of people throughout the day. We started out going by Racetrac to pick up drinks ( loving this cup ). From Racetrac we headed to the car wash, I just could not live with the bird poo on the car anymore. Logan used to be scared of the carwash but he is now in love with it but as we discovered Clark is now wigged out by it. After the carwash we headed to the library to turn in books and pick up some others. Logan did play on the computer they have set up for kids and then we headed out. The next stop was an hour long set up in a parking lot. We planted ourselves for the prescribed amount of time so others in my group could stop by and drop off food donations. This works better when it is not hot and I do not have the kids with me but you have to go with the flow sometimes. After we did the pick up we headed across the parking lot to eat/play at Chick-Fil-A. Clark was all over the place trying to eat anything not nailed down and even some things that were so I put him in the high chair and kept giving him things to eat. He ate mandarin oranges for the first time and seemed to like them, he also ate non pulverized strawberries as well as puffs, a bottle, chicken and some french fries. All the while Logan played his heart out. After we headed out from there I had 3 trades to complete and then back home we went. Once home Logan wanted to play more, watch TV, play computer games and chase Clark around. Needless to say I only got a little cleaning and organizing done. I got the food donation together, contacted the family and worked on the separate ARC donation also.
Dinner on Saturday night was spaghetti that I made using 2 of the turkey burger patties which are really just flattened ground turkey.
Sunday morning I ended up putting the leftover spaghetti noodles and sauce together in a bowl with some more tomato sauce, stirring and then putting in a casserole dish. I covered this with cheese and once at church put in the oven to warm. In addition to the roast that Phillip smoked this was our contribution to the potluck. After we got home from church/potluck I loaded the food donation up in the car and with Logan for company we headed out to meet the family my group was helping this month. After dropping off with them Logan wanted to go to Sonic so I swung through and got him a grilled cheese. Once home I worked on sorting my massive get rid of pile into things for my trade group, things to donate and kids items I need to get ready for the JBF sale. After a bit of this Clark and I decided to go to Winco to see about sale items and get some tortillas for dinner that night. Logan and Phillip were making cards for his teacher since it was the last day of school today. Clark was able to sit in the basket for the first time I think and he is just a huge flirt. It was not hard to entertain him while I shopped because he was busy staring and waving at everyone. Winco had some items cheaper than other stores including diapers that I had coupons on so even though we do not need them right now I went ahead and bought them. Since summer has begun for Logan and now all 3 of them will be home together I wanted to make sure they had enough snacks and breakfast items.
Winco Trip:
6 pkgs pecan rolls ( These are ONLY for Phillip)
4 boxes of snack cakes
3 boxes pasta
1 can condensed milk
1 can beans
2 pkgs diapers
1 pkg flour tortillas
1 tea
3 lbs bananas
4 cans biscuits
1 pkg bacon
Subtotal: $12.47 Cash
$27.55 SNAP
Once home and the car unloaded, the receipts were uploaded to the rebate apps and dinner was started. I ended up using the final 2 turkey patties for tacos. I did the same as for the spaghetti and just treated it like ground turkey so worked it around the pan while browning it with some seasoning. Our tacos had the ground turkey, black beans, shredded cheese and lettuce on them. I completely forgot the sour cream until Phillip mentioned it and I was nearly finished with my taco.
There were enough rebates that I was able to get $11.00 back. I requested the money from paypal today. There was however not enough leftover from last night's dinner to make taco soup today which was my initial plan. I have made the alternate plan of nachos tonight because I can add refried beans and no one at my house will protest.
Today was Logan's last day of pre-K and also field day. I can not wait to hear how that went!