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The Weekend To-Do List |
Kroger Trip: ( Final one ever)
1 Reese's snackster
1 trail mix
6 cans biscuits
Total: $0.00
After leaving there I went to Babies-R-Us which is a store I hate and try to avoid. Clark had been given a gift card for Christmas and they were running a sale on diapers and a free sippy cup with purchase so I went by there to get those items.
Babies-R-Us Trip:
2 pkgs diapers
1 pkg wipes
2 sippy cups
Total: $3.38 Cash
I called home after leaving Babies-R-Us and let them know I was going to swing by Winco and then come home. So I hit the road, stopping by Racetrac to fillup my sodapalooza cup first. Saturday was going to be the last day on the Winco sale and so I wanted to pick up a couple more of their sale items and do a quick pass to see if I needed anything else. The store was a mad house with everyone getting ready for the weekend and it was one of the days when SNAP cards are loaded including mine.
Winco Trip:
2 cases Dr.Pepper
2pkgs diapers
1 box store brand velveeta
1 loaf garlic bread
2 pkgs hot dogs
1 jar seasoning
1 jar pasta sauce
Total: $12.67SNAP
$11.32 Cash
by this time I was exhausted so I picked up some beans and tortillas from Rosa's and we had bean burritos for dinner. I had put the refrigerated stuff up when I first came home but left the rest for after dinner. Dinner, then baths and then I started uploading the stuff I had onto my rebate apps. Once I had completed this I got bags packed for the parade. Clark wanted to go to bed by this time so I got him down and then completed getting stuff together and the car loaded for the parade. The last thing I did was set the alarm on my phone so I would wake up in time to get a shower.
Saturday morning when the alarm went off I asked myself why I do this every year. I would love to sleep another hour at least until the kids would wake up on their own but nooo I am going to get us all up and to the parade. I went ahead and got up and took a shower. I then got myself ready before waking up Logan. Once he was up and getting ready Clark woke up and so I just changed his diaper and put some clothes on him. Once his bottle was fixed and Logan had something to eat we jumped in the car and went to the parade. I lucked out and managed to park close so I did not have to haul the kids very far with all of our stuff.
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Before the Parade Starts |
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Not Sure About This |
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The Start |
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Logan Was Most Excited About This One |
I was able to convince Logan after a few minutes that if we stayed and played he would probably sweat the face paint off so we should leave and go get something to eat. This meant we headed to the McDonald's near Jane which has a play area. He played a bunch while Clark continued to sleep and then eat. Once he has played for a bit we packed up to run other errands before heading home. So we told Jane goodbye and loaded up the car. I took the boys by The Joseph Storehouse which was supposed to be a cheap grocery store run by a charity. I was not impressed and will not go back, it is definitely too far for the disappointing selection. Many of the items I could purchase for less with a coupon.
The Joseph Storehouse Trip:
1 pizza crust
1 sippy cup
1 pkg construction paper
1 box pancake/waffle/biscuit mix
Total: $3.00 SNAP
$4.38 Cash
After leaving there we started toward Target but both kids fell asleep in the car so I thought I would head home first and clean all the stuff out of the car before making the Target trip. Once home Logan decided to stay home and do experiments with Phillip while I took Clark with me. It was a crazy trip to Target with Clark who was touching everything. I think I managed to get everything we will need to get through this month with only another milk/bread run.
Target Trip:
1 can formula
2 bags frozen chicken
2 cans refried beans
3 pkgs cupcakes
1 birthday cake
1 pkg dried cranberries
3 pkgs ground beef
1 pkg hamburger patties
1 pkg frozen broccoli
1 pkg frozen corn
1 pkg egg rolls
2 pkgs yogurt
2 pkgs sliced cheese
2 frozen pizzas
1 pkg cotton swabs
3 pkgs canning lids
1 bag dog food
2 pkgs pantiliners
1 pkg pads
1 pkg tampons
2 pkgs pepperoni
2 jars pasta sauce
3 pkgs flash cards
1 hat
Total: $72.68 SNAP
$41.57 Gift Card
After I got home and unloaded again I put the items up. I went ahead and took a shower as I was incredibly sweaty from the day. After I got out of the shower I gave Clark a bath and then woke Logan up from his nap. Once he was up we got the next round of stuff loaded up and went to watch fireworks.
I could have posted a ton of pictures of fireworks as Phillip takes a bunch but this was just a snapshot of the 2 shows we watched.
After the shows were over we loaded up and headed home. Clark fell asleep on the way home and stayed asleep as I moved him to bed. Logan was up for a brief period of time, enough to get something to eat and then he went to bed in his clothes. I was exhausted when I got into bed and do not think it took 2 minutes to be out.
Sunday morning when it was time to get up I again wished I could just stay asleep. We had people coming to church in addition to our usual members to celebrate Clark's birthday. So we got up and took baths, had breakfast and loaded up the car yet again with cake and the roast Phillip had smoked. On to church we went, it was nice to see Mimi and the potluck/party was good.
After cake and presents we headed home. Both kids fell asleep in the car and of course woke up not long after we got home so no nap for mama. So I put on the TV and started cleaning while Logan watched some mine craft videos in my room. I was able to knock some of the cleaning items off my list before fixing dinner. We had grilled chicken and salad. It was cool, easy and tasty after a weekend of eating on the run. I did not think of it this morning but I should have brought the leftover chicken along with one of the leftover tortillas and made myself a wrap for lunch. If there is any left I may go with that option tomorrow.
I almost forgot to mention that I had a trade of some spaghetti sauce Phillip did not like for paper towels while we were at fireworks. This saves me from having to put paper goods on the list.
My to-do list after the weekend still has quite a few items on it and while cleaning I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with the number of projects that are not getting done but I can not make more time in the day. I am just going to have to tackle them one at a time and be happy with what I can accomplish on a day to day basis.
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