Monday night was fairly routine. I did make a chicken broccoli rice casserole for dinner. This used up the rest of some grilled chicken in the freezer. There was some left over which I plan to bring for lunch the rest of the week now that I am finished with the tostado fixings.
The only strange thing was actually a person. I listed some free pick up items on Criagslist and there was a gentleman coming to pick some up and a lady picking up another set of items. I myself was trading some toilet paper for metal Tonka trucks so had to tell them a time to come by. I got home and put out all the ice packs in a smallish box for the gentleman to pick up and a paper bag full of egg cartons for the lady to come by and get. Now I am used to porch trades and they are something I do not need to be involved in. I do not need notice of precisely when you come by to get the item so when the doorbell rang I was debating not answering it. I should not have, the gentleman picking up the ice packs was odd and felt we needed to have a conversation on my porch. I got myself out of it as quickly as possible only to find out after a little bit that he took the egg cartons and left trash on my porch! I sent him an email questioning him about it and his response was yes I took them to use as candy molds. I sent him one back saying " I guess I will have to let the person who was supposed to pick those up know not to come by because you took them." If he ever emails me again about anything I have listed I am just going to have to ignore them.
This was also a learning opportunity for Logan. He did not listen when I told him not to come outside with me and he kept trying to "help" the man stack up the items. We had to talk about strangers and how when mommy is telling you to do something you really need to listen. I did not know this man and he could have grabbed him and run before I blinked an eye.
Tuesday night turned out to be crazy and most things were not working the way they were supposed to. I left work and headed to do a trade off my normal route home. On the way I stopped and got some gas and picked up a drink for Logan. The person turned out to not have the item out and she was not answering her door. I had sent her a message and thought maybe I was just there ahead of her so I went across the street to Sonic and had one of their "snacks" while I waited a bit. She still had not responded so I left to go pick up Logan from Loralee's. They were actually at an outdoor karate lesson so I headed there to get him. I talked to Loralee's dad for a little bit and then we headed out to the next errand. We headed to Target next to pick up a prescription for Clark. Phillip had taken him to the doctor earlier in the day and he turned out to have a double ear infection. Got that picked up before the pharmacy closed and then checked out the clearance sections. I was able to pick up some meat for next to nothing.
Target Trip:
1pkg (4) pork chops
1/4 sliced ham
1 pkg (2) eye of round steaks
1 gallon milk
trip total: $11.61
Monthly total:::: $108.31 ( I am getting back $16.95 so far from the rebate apps)
I was able to get an additional $1.00 back using one of the rebate apps.
After checking out at Target I had wanted to go by the library to see if a missing DVD had shown up but they were closed by this time. Logan and I headed home where he needed to tell Phillip all about his day and I needed to catch up on how the tiny one was doing. While getting these updates I started working on dinner. Before it got dark Phillip ran to get the clothes off the line and fold them. Dinner was grilled steaks, black beans and fruit smoothies using fresh fruit from our freezer. As we were eating I was feeding Clark and then went to give him his medicine. As soon as he took the medicine he started throwing up. Rushed him into the bath and got his jammies on. He wanted to snuggle and we tried again by putting the medicine in his milk which thankfully worked. The throwing up was something I took in stride and after everything I finished my dinner, Phillip on the other hand could not finish. Logan was wore out and slept all night while Clark slept but restlessly. He was still a little warm this morning but kept the second dose of medicine down and was just sleeping a little more than normal.
My original plan was to try eggplant parmesan last night for the first time to use up an eggplant I bought for 48 cents but that will have to wait for tonight. I hope this one turns out and I can add another thing to our dinner rotation especially when one comes in my co-op basket
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