Breaking this post up because the sheer length of it is overwhelming me! It was a mad dash getting stuff ready for my mom's arrival and then once she was here the time went really fast and I feel like we did a lot and nothing at the same time. Racking my brain and finally remembered that we had tostados for dinner. Saturday morning I can remember that the kids were up early so I went ahead and took them to the post office so we could ship a sold item out. We then turned some books in at the library and made a swing by the day old bread store. This put us on the road to the airport right at the time I wanted to be. Clark fell asleep pretty quickly and Logan dozed a bit. The issue then becomes the airport she came into does not have a cell phone lot where you can wait on someone to arrive. I had to keep circling the terminals until she arrived 30 minutes late. This was ok as the tiny one was asleep and Logan was enjoying the planes and looking for granny. The issue came that as soon as my mom put her luggage in the car the tiny one woke up and was not happy about being in his car seat. The ride home was a mix of trying to get him to take a bottle, play with toys I brought or go back to sleep. We managed to survive this to get home and get everything unloaded. After cooling off and playing for a little while my mom and I went to Winco and then to Pizza Hut to pick up dinner. She wanted Pizza Hut and was treating so we picked up a Hawaiian and a pepperoni with black olives. Once home we followed our normal night time routine other than Granny was at the house.
Sunday the kids and I skipped church and stayed home with Granny. We did some shopping which resulted in Granny buying too much stuff for the kids and getting birthday stuff for the tiny one's party on Monday. Later in the day the kids hung out with Phillip while my mom and I went to get her a cell phone charger since she left hers at home. Once we managed to find something that would work for her then we went by and picked up some chicken for dinner since my mom wanted chicken.
Monday was a bit crazy! The morning started with a quick breakfast and then my mom and I taking Clark for his 1 year appointment. Once we finished with his appointment we headed home and the boys were acting crazy. My mom kept taking Clark out in the stroller for walks since he loves that even though we are in the middle of a horrible heat wave. That evening it was birthday time! We decided to have it at Rosa's because they are the #1 bean place and it is budget friendly. Friends and family came by to celebrate with Clark and then we came home to open presents. This of course reminds me that I still have not written out the thank you notes from either of his parties.
He looks a little worried at this point |
Logan is always a ham |
Cake that little hands has already taste tested |
Yummy! | | |
Birthday Loot |
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