Monday, August 3, 2015

Another Weekend in the Books

I am feeling exhausted today and accomplished. This weekend I was able to get a ton of stuff done off my list which will hopefully allow me to knock out a lot of other items this week. It was the first time in a long time when I felt like I might get ahead of all of the stuff that needs to be done around the house.

This was the list I made before leaving work on Friday afternoon.

So on the way home I grabbed my last sodapalooza drink for the year and then went by the new QT close to my home. They were running gas for $2.19 a gallon as a grand opening special so I topped off my tank while I could. I was passing the library on the way back from the gas station so I dropped some books in the drop box. After all this I decided to splurge and just pick up dinner for us at Rosa's since it was payday. Once home we sat down and enjoyed dinner and then baths. In between Clark's bath and Logan's he helped me sweep off the porch so I could set some trades out. This was the extent of Friday's accomplishment.

Saturday morning we were up and at them early and ran all day! The boys woke up about 7:30 and from there I fixed breakfast, took a shower and got us all in the car for errands. The first stop the ATM machine to get money for the farmer's market and then on to the market we went. After making a pass through all the stalls we hit up a couple that had items we wanted. Logan of course wanted to buy something from the plant guy so we can have a pretty yard but I knew I wanted to hit up Archie's afterwards. I was surprised when he did not want a cookie from the baked goods booth. I wanted to try a ice cream but that would have been too hard carrying Clark and eating that while shopping.

I was really excited about the watermelon since it is a yellow meat and the farmer offers a discount next time if I bring him seeds back. I may keep part of them and attempt to grow my own since this variety obviously will grow here. The cheese is a local made gouda and I am really excited to have some. The other veggies came from the same booth, she has a mixed basket for a special price. They are the odds and ends that are left after making up her other for sale baskets. The totals are as follows

Cheese $9.00
Watermelon $7.00
Mixed basket of produce $5.00
Baguette: $3.00

After leaving with our wares we went around the corner to the plant store as Logan calls it. We picked up 7 plants for the yard ( 3 are for his garden) and a glass bee for his terrarium. After leaving Archie's we went by the place where I got my oil changed so they could look at the leak again. They think they have it fixed this time but I have heard that the last 3 times so I am not sure I believe them. Once we left the oil change place we headed to the library. We turned in all the stuff Logan had at the house and he played on the computer for a little bit while I talked to Mrs. Laura the librarian about his missing DVD and changed Clark's diaper. We checked out a minimal amount of stuff and headed out to the next errand which was Winco. Clark fell asleep in between the library and Winco but once we were in the store the kids yelling woke him up. I tried to hurry through the store and pick up the minimum.

Winco Trip (Saturday):
2 boxes snack cakes
1 jar pasta sauce
1 jar Nutella
1 gallon milk
5 containers yogurt
1 soda  for me ( I know I should not have)
3 pkgs cinnamon rolls
1 pkg ricotta cheese
~4.5 lbs bananas
1 yellow watermelon
2 cans biscuits
1 pkg mozzarella
3 bags chips
1 pkg Parmesan cheese
1 loaf bread
2 pkgs chex mix
2 pkgs toilet paper

Total: $45.16

Needless to say it was more than the bare necessities. I was hungry by this time, needed to make something for potluck and started worrying about school lunches in addition to the boys being at home eating. I got us all home and fed myself and Clark. Logan snacked since he was going with Phillip to get haircuts and their tradition is to go by Wendy's before hand. Pretty much while eating I put up the groceries and loaded the receipt into the rebate apps I have on my phone. So Logan left with Phillip and I was going to take Clark to a birthday party but I was feeling tired and he needed a true nap so I just worked on the house and played with him. He played while I put the shower cleaner on the walls in our shower and the cleaner in the toilet and then we went on to cleaning his room and vacuuming it. Once we were done in there he was acting sleepy so I put him down for a nap on the couch so I could finish cleaning my bathroom. I got it all cleaned up before the other boys made it home. Once they were home Logan went back to watching TV while I cleaned up the office and our bedroom so that as soon as Clark woke up I could vacuum. Once he woke up I got the vacuuming on the bedrooms and office finished. I also went to get the donation and trade off my porch since she was giving me cash for the trade item I put out. Dinner was next on the agenda which was manicotti with the baguette from the farmer's market. This of course meant bath time for the kiddos especially since Clark had manicotti all over him. Once baths were done I finished vacuuming the bare floor portions of the house and then cleaned up the vacuum and my hands. Clark was good about sitting in his high chair while I cut up both watermelons. He loves watermelon so I kept feeding it to him while I was getting the stuff put up. I went ahead and put the grocery store melon in a bowl to take for the church pot luck. The farmer's market melon is in baggies for me to bring for lunches this week. I also put a rice casserole in the oven for potluck at church. This was done and in the fridge about the time everyone was getting ready for bed. Clark surprisingly enough did not give me any trouble going to sleep even with the long, late nap. Logan on the other hand wanted to stay up passed his bed time and for once I was not strict on him. He snuggled in our bed while I read some.

Sunday morning the boys slept a little later than normal until 8am. Phillip had already had his shower so I went ahead and put on some cinnamon rolls and then got a shower. The boys had already had their rolls when I got in the kitchen and Phillip was loading the dishwasher. I quickly ate the 2 remaining rolls and then we got ready and loaded up for church. It was nice to see Phillip's grandma at church and we got an extended visit with her at potluck. On the way home I completed a trade of tp for some fresh eggs. I was going to get a picture of the beautiful eggs but forgot and then was out of motivation and time. Once home the kids were asleep and so we moved them into the bed. I started working on cleaning and then decided to make another trip to Winco for the trash bags I had forgot the day before while they were asleep.

Winco trip:
1 gallon milk
2 pkgs diapers
1 box trash bags
1 pkg (3 boxes) kleenex
2 boxes ziploc bags
1 bottle deodorant
2 pkgs toilet paper
2 boxes fruit snacks
1 bottle chocolate syrup ( the last one lasted almost 3 years)
2 boxes cereal

Total: $38.96

Again, school starting was going through my mind and they are having an amazing sale on the toilet paper. Once home I unloaded all the stuff and loaded eligible items into my rebate apps. I had enough on one app to request $10.00 to my paypal account. I also was paid for an item that sold on ebay. Our netflix and hulu plus accounts are paid through my paypal account so I left enough in there to cover both of those bills and requested the rest be transferred to my bank account. After I took care of this Clark "helped" me clean up the front room and get it vacuumed again. Logan also needed to tell me all about his Minecraft videos which I patiently listened to. Once this was taken care of we had dinner. Clark and Phillip ate leftovers from the lunch potluck. Logan wanted a sandwich and I was not really hungry so I skipped dinner. Clark was again covered in pasta sauce from the manicotti so he immediately went into the tub. While he was playing in the tub I sat in the bathroom putting the month of August on my whiteboard calendar. That is when I discovered I scheduled my pap on the first day of school and work is going to be a crazy day.  I finished the calendar and Clark was still having a good time playing so I sat there and read a chapter in my book before scrubbing him down and getting him out. Logan wanted me to start his bath so I got that taken care of and then passed off the watching of him to Phillip while I held Clark and steam most of the house. I did not mop the kitchen as I just had a couple of nights ago and will again tonight. With baths done the boys played for a little longer while I worked on cleaning up the kitchen some. Clark was then ready for bed but it was still a little early so I took some pictures to post items on ebay and my trade group. While I took care of this Logan played on my phone and Phillip chatted with a friend on the phone. I read for a little bit after this and then carried Logan to his bed before crashing myself.

I need to take more pictures tonight and get more stuff out of the house. I am also thinking of purchasing a minimal amount of meat this month and just using what I have in the freezer. If I can make 3 or more meals from each item I have on hand and have a run with some beans then I should have plenty. This should allow me to stock up on some other basics with that grocery money. I am also going to try to trade for as many staples as I can with the items I have left to get out of the house.

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