I am having a jumble of emotions on this subject. A friend of a friend, these stories always seem to start that way. A more accurate description would be the former high school classmate of a friend suffered great tragedy this week. She suffered last week also but this week is the one that has me grieving also. Last week her mother passed at what I now consider a young age as her daughter is 10 years younger than me. This week she lost her husband's grandmother and their 6 year old daughter in a car accident. The grandmother and 6 year old were in the rear seat of a vehicle that got a flat on the highway. They were subsequently rear ended by a pick up truck killing the grandmother instantly. The little girl was taken to the hospital where she passed away a couple of days later. I can not imagine this pain, I can not even pretend to.
The situation that I find disconcerting and do not know what I would do stems from a gofundme account set up to help the family with the crush of expenses they now face. The pictures attached to the gofundme page are of her holding her dead child in the hospital. The pain on her face is enough to make me hurt physically. I am not sure, in this situation what I would do. Would I want anyone taking pictures of me at the worst point in my life? Would I want this memory in print? I know the actual memory will forever be with this woman but would I want the world to share this very painful moment with me? Is the fact it would be the last picture I would ever have with my child make it ok? I know in the moment I would probably not even be conscious of cameras, I just would not be able to let go of my baby. Maybe it is a decision I would not have the capacity in that moment to make. As I type this I am crying for this woman and praying I am never in this situation. I work with a woman who is the mother to a murdered son. He was murdered 20+ years ago and talking about him still brings her to tears. This is a wound that never heals, it scabs I am sure but never truly heals.
Please hug your babies tight tonight and kiss them extra.
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