Friday, August 14, 2015

Mid Week Synopsis

Monday morning I was exhausted from not sleeping and of course it was a morning I had to get the kids to the sitter. Phillip had a crap ton of errands to run so we agreed to take the kids to the sitter. I did manage to get the kids out of the house and to work almost on time. The day passed ok even though by picking up the kids I needed to skip the errands I wanted to run. I did swing by the gas station next to the library and of course in the couple of hours since Phillip had been there they went up 10 cents a gallon. I got half a tank and then dropped the books I finished in the outside return at the library. On to get the kids after that only to have Sandra (the sitter) tell me that Clark threw up all over himself and his car seat while he was there. She had the car seat in a box and Clark in new clothes. She was going to loan me a seat but since she lives within a mile of my house I just put Clark in Logan's seat and Logan strapped in the middle with just the seat belt. We got home and Phillip took the seat apart and put it through the washer again. Clark acted like nothing was up while Phillip and I went through every option I could come up with. We were worried he may have another ear infection but there has been no fever. The other thought was he was getting too hot but the sitter keeps her house at a reasonable temperature. My final thought was that Grandma had given him some honey on Sunday at the restaurant so I started doing some research. He did not have any of the symptoms of botulism and most restaurants do not have real honey anyway so we ruled that out. Whatever it was seems to have passed as we did not have any issues that night or all day yesterday.
Dinner on Monday night was pancakes at Logan's request. I had told him on Sunday to remind me on Monday before I got anything out so we would definitely have them. He was not even completely awake that morning and he was already reminding me.
Baker Logan

Logan always tells me we are bakers when we are cooking. We whipped out some pancakes and bacon for dinner. Phillip opted for a sandwich with his bacon. I ate both and Logan polished off all I did not eat which was 7 pancakes and 5 pieces of bacon. After dinner and baths the boys played for a little while and I used the time to clean the pantry. Since Clark is not eating the baby food I cleaned it out of the cabinet and took some to the sitter just in case and the rest I boxed up to donate to the food bank.  The boys went to bed and I did not sleep much better and again not totally sure why.

Tuesday morning Phillip left before we even woke up to head to a job interview 3 hours away. I got up and got the boys together to head to the sitter. Logan started crying he did not want to go but it was really he did not want to get up and dressed to go. Once everyone was ready we headed to the sitter. I dropped off the boys and the baby food, Clark started crying as soon as he realized I was leaving. This separation issue is something totally new and hopefully short lived. I had agreed to be the go between after work for a trade so I needed to meet the person who told me she would not be close to campus yet so I planned on meeting her somewhere nearby. I had already pulled off campus when she informed me she left because she did not feel safe. When I finally caught up with her the story made sense to me but she was going to call the police and just went crazy with it. We have a very international population and evidently a male student went up to her car and started to get in. She yelled at him and he tried to explain he was sorry, he thought it was his car. She took this literally and could not believe he did not know his car. She then said his friend /accomplice came up and said no over here. Knowing that 90% of our international students do not have cars I really think it was a matter of his friend said my car is over there and hers being the only one he saw he tried to get in. Hoping the situation is diffused. Once we found each other and made the trade I headed out. Realizing I forgot to bring the replacement DVD with me to take to the library I called Phillip. In my head I was thinking he would offer to get the kids and I could grab the video and go to the library or he could get the DVD and go to the library. That was not mentioned so I headed over to get the kids from the sitter. All was going well until we got into the house. My plan was to leave the tiny one with his dada, grab the DVD and take Logan with me to the library. Once in the house Clark started screaming as soon as I set the carrier down. We got him out thinking that was the issue, still screaming. Tried holding him: still screamed, tried a bottle: still screamed. There did not appear to be anything wrong with him other than he was making himself stiff and rolling around on the floor. Eventually I just decided to leave him and go to the library. By this time Logan had decided to not go with me which was fine. I went, dropped off the baby food donation and paid the reshelving fee associated with replacing the DVD. After I got home Phillip informed me that Clark stopped crying right after I left, ate some snacks and was walking around behind his truck. Guess that was his idea of a show for mama, I was not impressed. After all this nonsense I went with a stir fry for dinner so I could use up some carrots, mushrooms that were getting past their prime, fresh broccoli and the leftover grilled chicken. There was just a smidge left over which is a win all the way around.  After baths I worked on cleaning up the kitchen and then get the tiny one to sleep. He fell asleep pretty early so I used the time to take some more pictures of items that need a new home and post them on BBT. After this I headed to bedtime snuggles with Logan before he went to bed and then I was out like a light!

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