Friday, October 5, 2012

keeping up

What is sad is this is my outlet for the craziness that goes on in my life and yet I can not seem to find the time in the day to type anything up. I am super stressed right now and I need to really evaluate how I spend my time each day and prioritize things. We were in the process of simplifying our material possession so I do not have to spend as much time during the week cleaning up and caring for stuff but that time gets filled with other tasks that had been put off initially. I thought I would eventually get these tasks done (scrapbooking, crafts,  garden, house remodling) but they can take up all the extra free time I created. Of course, since I have OCD I keep putting tasks on the list even when I have not completed the others. Last month I decided to work on getting my grocery budget to a consistent $200 a month including all toiletries and non food items.....came close at $268 last month and so working on it again this month. This will be an ongoing project but then I thought I need to come up with something else to do to save money in addition to selling all the items we are culling out of our lives. What I need to do is tell myself to slow down or stop but not going to happen.

Random change of topic:::: I am trying to figure out how to get tabs on my page so that I can have a tab for all the recipes friends throw our way or I find to use up leftovers, also need a tab to keep a running total on the $200 grocery project.....Any help?

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