Monday, October 8, 2012

why must I divide my life into categories????

I have fretted with something lately I mean over the last couple of years. Why must my life be divided into sections, why can I not listen to a true mix station on the radio? I like country, classical, jazz, reggae, pop, classic rock,etc yet I am forced to pick one even by the prolific satellite radio and the choice stations my cable provider offers. I was very recently freed from this at least at home with my new fancy Roku box which allows me to listen to my fabulous Pandora station while I clean the house which by the way is a mix of all the above types as well as a few other choice stations. Now if the world could just be ok with a blog that covers all aspects of my life. I mean why do blogs have to I only can cook or organize or clean or be frugal. My life is all of these plus 100 other things on a daily basis and I hate to be forced into a box. This may be why this blog will never be seen by anyone but me, I am amazingly ok with this although it would be quite awesome to be a blogging millionaire with a billion followers hanging on my every rambling thought but I am quite a realist. Enough "deep" thinking for tonight, on to the dishes and getting a certain toddler to bed despite his really cute please one more puzzle argument.

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