Monday, August 21, 2017

Books July 26th through August 21st

I have been plugging along clearing up my currently reading list on goodreads. It was my goal last year to clear the 41 books off of it but I failed. This year I will succeed, I am a mere 3 books from accomplishing this goal!

In print I finished Abominable Science!: Origins of the Yeti, Nessie and Other Famous Cryptids which was interesting but too long. They could have conveyed the same facts in a much shorter book.  The next book was Finding Me: A Decade of Darkness, A Life Reclaimed- A Memoir of the Cleveland Kidnappings which was a heavy book to read. I had started it a long time ago and could not continue once I reached her kidnapping. I picked it back up and made it through this time. It is her story to tell but like a couple others I have read recently I was not overwhelmed. They need a ghost writer to tell their stories, one who can give them a coherent voice and time line. Once I finished this one I jumped into Life Without Oil: Why We Must Shift to a New Energy Future and that is where I am still currently. I should have it finished within the next week but we shall see.

In the world of audio books I have plowed through several starting where I left off on the last post with The Road to Jonestown: Jim Jones and the People's Temple which it turns out was written by a local author. It was a good book but really heavy on names and minute details. I started forgetting who people were and just focused on the central story. I picked up a light book after this with An Irish Country Doctor which is the first in a series taking place just after the war. I am on the fence about reading any more of the series. I have also checked out a bunch of parenting book lately and the first in the bunch was How to Talk so Little Kids Will Listen: A Survival Guide to Life With Children Ages 2-7. The tips in the book were good and most worked on my younger one for about 2 days and then he was wise to my tricks. The next book I listened to was supremely interesting. I love to know the origins of things so Birdseye: The Adventures of a Curious Man which you probably could tell by the name is the story of modern frozen foods. This was a quick listen so I went right into Payoff: The Hidden Logic that Shapes Our Motivations. This one was disappointing because it was a shortened version of another book I read and so all the information was not new to me. The only salvation for this book was it was only a 3 hour listen and then I was able to move onto something else.  Next up was another parenting book The Gifts of Imperfect Parenting: Raising Children with Courage, Compassion and Connection. This one was also short at just over 2 hours which was good as I really got nothing out of it. The next parenting book I listened to was also short but unlike the others I got so much out of it. From the beginning she was describing my child and I am really looking forward to reading more books by this author. Raising Your Spirited Child by

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