Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Books Aug 22nd through Sept 6th

So in print I did not finish Life Without Oil: Why We Must Shift to a New Energy Future before it was due so I turned it in and requested it again from the library. In the interim I found another book on my currently reading list at the campus library and checked it out. 
The Death of the Grown-Up: How America's Arrested Development is Bringing Down Western Civilization is the book I am currently trying hard to finish. I have read books I do not agree with in the past but this book verges on hate speech on many levels. The author is basically making a case to go back to 1939 and live like the middle class. She just keeps saying middle class so I am not sure where she expects the wealthy and poor to go but this is her imaginary world I guess. The book can not be finished fast enough.

In audio I finished listening to You'll Grow Out of It and despite the reviews I liked it. People have a hard time seeing comedians as people and are upset when they are not funny all the time. Since I was not familiar with Jessi Klein before this book I did not have any expectations.  Whipping Boy: My Forty-Year Search for My Twelve-Year-Old Bully was also a decent listen despite the bad reviews. There were slow parts to the story and maybe more detail than was needed but still a decent listen.
The next book I listened to also got bad reviews mostly as personal attacks on the author. I was not familiar with the Winehouse family before I read Amy, My Daughter written by her father. I thought it was a touching telling of her story. There were parts that were mundane as with anyone's life and sometimes the timeline was confusing but I did enjoy listening to the book.  I must really have an odd opinion of books because this next one is super popular and I just did not like it. I listened to The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck: How to Stop Spending Time You Don't Have with People You Don't Like Doing Things You Don't Want to Do.  It was 3 hours of listening to the author repeat herself. The premise was helpful but listening to that premise over and over was tedious. All of that has led me to the current book Welcome to the Goddam Ice Cube: Chasing Fear and Finding Home in the Great White North. The author sometimes loses me because she jumps back and forth in time but so far it has been a good listen.

I have pre-ordered my next Kindle book and can not wait until the 19th when it comes out!

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