Thursday, July 25, 2013

Overdoing the goals

Most people set 1 goal for themselves when the new year comes around and generally I follow this pattern. The 1 goal I set keeps morphing and now feels like an octopus that keeps coming at me. This blog was the extension of my goal to get our grocery bill at $200 and stay with my belief in not shopping at Wal-Mart and Aldi. As this year and this blog have continued I found that I needed to put up our menus so people could tell I was not feeding my family rice and beans every night in order to stay on budget and then I decided I needed to be accountable with our debt reduction. All of these goals on top of my normal everyday life of being a working mom trying to be frugal and environmentally friendly is weighing heavy on me, I am having trouble managing my time.

Last night I left work and made an awesome trade on the way home. I traded the partial bottle of laundry detergent that the honey bought while I was out of town and 2 rolls of paper towels for an 8" cast iron pan made by Lodge. Dinner went pretty quickly since I had put a roast in the crock pot yesterday morning before work. I steamed some carrots to go with the roast and the munchkin helped me make a dump cake for dessert. We ate and while the cake was baking (takes an hour) we all went out to work in the yard. The munchkin rode his toy tractor around while I brought the clothes in off the line. I then pooper scooped while my honey weedeated the yard. We use a reel mower so while my honey finished the back yard I went around the front to mow. The two boys went inside while I did some weeding on the flowerbeds so their showers/baths were done by the time I came inside. I showered and then started a load of laundry and played with the munchkin. After some online surfing of my for sale items, listing some more misc stuff for sale or trade and reading 3 books for someone to go to sleep to I hit the hay. In all of that about 6 items from my list did not get done but there is always tonight!

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