Tuesday, July 23, 2013

plans for evenings

My OCD dictates that I make a plan for my evening even though I know that it is not going to all happen. Last night is an example of one of those evenings. I completed my trades and then headed home to see my honey and the munchkin as well as work on the house. I did go outside and bring in the laundry and then sat down with a couple of slices of gouda to talk to my honey and relax. That lasted very little time before I needed to make a decision on dinner and put up my trade items. I decided to grill ribs which tasted decent and paired that with some wild rice and green beans. Clean up did not take that long and the munchkin was excited to help me wash the new glass pitchers I traded for. I am going to make sun tea now that is the height of summer here and save a touch on my electric bill. I worked on cleaning up the kitchen island which seems to be a dumping ground for everything in our hands. Between that, playing with the munchkin, and getting more trades together the evening was done.

This morning I did manage to sort out the stuff in my bedroom chair to be dealt with tonight and got the clothes ready to iron tonight. As you can tell I will be ironing tonight after dinner and see what else magically gets accomplished. I need to get more items listed on the trade site and get them out of the house. If you have not found a trade site on FB in your area you need to start one, it has been the best thing to happen to us in ages. I have been able to move things out of the house in exchange for items and services that I either want or need. This has gone a long way in helping our budget as well as helping me minimalize so I can hopefully spend an evening in the  future reading or sitting outside instead of worrying about the multitude of chores I need to do.

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