Thursday, March 15, 2018

2018 Resolutions 3 Months In

I have been working on my resolutions for 3 months now.  In case you have not read that post or have forgot my resolutions while accomplishing yours they are:

For 2018 I am working on the following:
1.) Minimizing our possessions
2.) Spend more time present with friends and family
3.) Finish the backyard and spend a huge amount of time out there with the boys.
4.) Read the stack of books next to my bed
5.) Hike more
6.) Bike ride a lot with the boys now that I have a helmet.

Progress on #1 is going WAAAAAYYYYY slower than I hoped. We have passed on, traded and sold a lot of the larger items we wanted to get rid of. I have also made many trips to the thrift store with boxes of donations. There is still a ton of stuff that needs to get out of the house. This weekend I plan on dropping stuff at various charities and getting by the kids resale shop. This will still leave a large box of stuff I am working on trading and selling. I also have a lot of stuff still to go through and hopefully get rid of.  Lately I have to keep telling myself that it is a year long resolution and speed is not everything. It will get taken care of. 

Progress on #2 is going better. I no longer say no right off the bat when we are invited to do things. The stuff from #1 is going to be there when we get home so it will not hurt to go have fun with friends. 

Progress on #3 is just getting started since the weather is warming up. I spent several hours over the last couple of weekends working on clean up. The back yard is like the house and I somehow want it to magically come together in an instant but it just takes lots of labor initially. 

Progress on #4 is slow but I knew this one would be. I am on the last of the library books I kept checking out on a loop. I have been looking to see if some of the stack are available in audio form from the library as this will enable me to breeze through them faster. I have only moved one out of the stack thus far but I am optimistic that much progress will be made. 

Progress on #5 has not happened yet but I do have plans for tomorrow night which I hope work out. A state park within a short distance of us is doing a guided night hike tomorrow night. 

Progress on #6 is in progress. The boys have been riding more and Phillip has even gone out on the tandem with Clark but I have not got my bike out yet. 


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