Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Icemaggedon in the DFW area

The weathermen/women in the area kept warning us that winter was on it's way back and I partially heeded them which was partially helpful. Friday night when I got home from work after a brief stop at the thrift store for a quick look for some new non mom looking clothes I headed home to get started on dinner. I decided to go with a quick and easy as well as tasty staple and fixed bacon, eggs and biscuits for the family. As much as everyone, being the 3 of us who are eating table food enjoyed this I actually had some bacon and a couple of biscuits left. The munchkin enjoys left over biscuits so I put those away for him and the bacon I put up for another day. Saturday Phillip was gone all day helping a friend move so I took the kiddos to the library and then to eat some fast food which translates to play time for the munchkin and some reading time for me while the tiny one naps and flirts. After we got home Logan went outside to play and get it out of his system before the storm moved in. I used the time to tote around the tiny one, start work on a total house cleaning and purge and put an amazing wild rice dish on. I should say on Friday night I started cleaning out the pantry and found some wild rice I got in trade near the back. I made this amazing rice dish which I served with pan fried ham. If you were keeping tally that marks the end of the ham. There were a couple of pieces leftover which I ended up eating on Sunday evening in a sandwich. Phillip used this chance to eat the rest of the bacon on a sandwich. Earlier in the day we were at church when the weather really started turning. On the way home I knew I should stop and get a couple of things before it was too late. The kids had fallen asleep in the car so I made the silly assumption that I could just run in while my honey stayed in the car with the kids. He wanted to come in so in we all went. It was a pretty quick trip but I ended up with more than we "needed" due to the people with me. I need to also figure out how this happened but the store sent my non food items like dishwasher detergent and some plug covers through on my food stamp card. Those items should not have gone through and I was caught of guard when they did.  Late on Sunday evening amidst more house cleaning and playing tic tac toe with the munchkin the schools announced they would be closing on Monday. My work was not long after in announcing they would close so I celebrated! Monday I managed to get a lot of cleaning and purging done and all of my JBF items put into the system. In case you are not familiar with the JBF sale then click on the JBF and go to their page. It is a huge resale for kids and maternity items. For dinner on Monday I baked a whole chicken that I had been defrosting and served that with some homemade mashed potatoes and green beans. As soon as the chicken was cool enough to the touch I deboned it and threw the carcass with some spices,herbs, celery left from the co-op and carrots also left from the co-op in the crock pot. This cooked all night and most of the next day before I strained the herbs and veggies out. Immediately I put some more chopped celery, carrots and dried onions into the stock. This cooked for about another hour on high in the crock pot before I added some of the leftover chicken and the leftover wild rice. I allowed this to warm up for about 30 minutes before I added a rue to thicken it a bit as well as some cream. This was a great soup and was based on this recipe. Any celery that was still left from the co-op got chopped and put in the dehydrator since it was getting to the limp stage. I forgot to mention that Tuesday was also a day at home due to icy road conditions. The munchkin enjoyed playing outside and having hot cocoa. The tiny one enjoyed being carried around and loved on. I enjoyed the time at home to catch up on cleaning and organizing. There was supposed to be snow on the ground this morning and so the munchkin's school had delayed opening but I had to come back to work as normal since the snow never materialized. The master closet was going to be my task today but will have to wait for the weekend now unless we of course get some more snow or ice!

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