Friday, August 21, 2015

Books Aug 13th Through Aug 21st

I am still reading How Not to Die which is a pretty good book although there are no tips in here that are shocking or new. I really just like Dr. G and find the cases she profiles interesting. This is a book I was hoping to have completed by now but since I have only been reading at lunch time I did not get through as much as I could have. Still I am within 50 pages of being done and plan on getting that finished tonight!

Saturday I did not have the book with me so I started on one just checked out from the library. This will be the one I pick up and read after I finish How Not to Die. The book started and soon to be completed is Girl Sleuth: Nancy Drew and the Women Who Created Her. I checked this one out as I was a huge Nancy Drew fan growing up and was a little distraught to find out that the author was actually a bunch of people writing under the same name.

As for books I am listening to I finished up Factory Man. It was a long investment of time for a book but I really did like it and find it well researched.

After finishing Factory Man, I listened to So You've Been Publicly Shamed. This book really has changed my life. I know you hear me say all the time that I learned something or changed an opinion because of information I gained from reading. I will say though this book actually has changed my life. I can not recommend it or this TED talk enough. If you have a bit of time to spare I would watch the talk, if you have a little longer I would watch it and read/listen to the book. Because of these and my quest to live a compassionate life I have left some facebook pages I normally followed and refused to participate in negative discussions about people.

The next book I started listening to is Survival of the Sickest. It has been full of interesting information.

Forgot to mention in the middle of all of this an author I like for trashy romance novels released another one. It was only available in Kindle edition so I actually purchased it and speed read it through in one evening! So if you are looking for an easy read that does not require a ton of thought or action then check out the Protector Series. This is the latest one that I read A Warrior's Wedding.

A cute book I read to my son also is How the Meteorite Got to the Museum

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