Thursday, August 27, 2015

Moving Through the List

Friday evening Logan looked a lot better and as I said he has never acted like it hurt him. On the way home I made a side trip by Dollar Tree to pick up some photo boxes. I was determined to get the project done over the weekend. I did work on the photos and got them all sorted out. Other than that and fixing dinner I really did not do a lot on Friday night.

Saturday was a day of much ado. Phillip got up before we did and headed out to weed eat the church's yard. Logan of course did not sleep much past this but did try to play quite in his room. Once I knew he was awake though I could not sleep so I just got up and took a shower before Clark woke up.  I got my shower and Logan's bedding in the wash before Clark woke up. Once he was awake we had breakfast and got everything together to run our errands. First on the list was Lowe's for the build which for once Logan wanted to bring home and build with Phillip. This made my life a little easier and so we headed to the library and then picked up the tires for our backyard project. She wanted nothing in trade so we just loaded up the 3 tires and headed home. At home I got a second load of clothes in the washing machine and one they were completed took both loads out to the clothes line.  Phillip was still not home so the boys and I worked on the house. Really this means Logan played, Clark tried to take everything he could reach as his own and I kept working on the pictures. I did manage to get some pulled out for scrapbooks, some set aside for frames, some for the boy's baby books, some I want to talk to Phillip's family and find out who they are, some to give to Phillip's sister. some for photo albums and the rest for photo boxes. I put all the scenery pictures and most from before we met each other in the photo boxes. I put pictures in 2 albums and started our travel scrapbook. The next project as far as that goes is to finish Logan's baby book and get Clark's going before I forget everything. When Phillip made it home Logan and I went out in the backyard to work on the play area as well as continue planting the monkey grass and clean up the yard overall.
Logan's area mostly before we got started on it
We had Clark with us for a little while but Phillip came and took him back inside after a while so we could get more done. Logan was really a lot of help as long as I was not interested in getting done really fast. We got the area cleaned up and the tires we picked up in place. I need 2 more tires to complete the area and then we will need soil to turn them into planters. I also will need a lot of pea gravel to cover the ground and put enough in the area for them to dig and haul around. After we did as much as we could there Logan played some while I cleaned out around the shed and planted more grass. We then worked on cleaning up some of the fallen branches around the yard but a lot of the bigger ones I am going to let Phillip cut to the required length for city pick up. I also moved some lantana from one bed to another as well as some plants from the front flower bed to the back. By this time we ( I ) was tired, hot and wet from letting Logan water again. We went in and got showers and then dinner which was pork chops from the crock pot. I had seasoned them with some lemon juice, cumin, garlic and paprika. After dinner Logan and Phillip built his "chariot" from Lowe's while I sat in the bathroom with Clark for his bath.  I went ahead and pulled all the items together for the JBF sale so I could sort them. During all of this I washed 4 more loads of laundry and hung out 2 of them in addition to the 2 from the morning. It had just dawned on me that I needed to get Logan's school clothes out of the top of the closet and washed for his first day! This added 1 of the loads to what I washed.

Sunday morning started off without much fanfare. We went to church as usual with the added benefit of Phillip's mom and grandma being there. First hiccup of the day was Clark threw up all over himself and the car seat. We drove straight to the fellowship hall and stripped him down. I bathed him in the sink and then changed him into the spare clothes from his diaper bag. Phillip took the kids down to church after that while I washed  the clothes he threw up on as well as the car seat cover. Once washed I threw them out on the picnic tables to dry while we were in service. There had been a dance at the church there were a ton of leftovers so they decided to have a potluck after church which helped our budget out. Logan and Loralee had a great time turning on the disco lights and dancing around while we were eating. This also gave Clark's clothes and car seat cover time to dry so we could put it back together before heading home. The boys slept on the way home with Clark staying asleep after we arrived. I used the time with Clark asleep to work on the JBF items. I managed to get them sorted, on hangers and mostly entered before bed that night. I of course had to stop and play with the boys as well as get dinner and baths. It was the night before Kindergarten for Logan so we laid out his clothes. We had already put his supplies in his back pack but I made sure it was all ready and started getting his lunch packed.  To make sure we would not run late I took my shower on Sunday night after the kids were in bed.

Over all I finished the weekend feeling accomplished.

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