Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Can I Have A "Normal" Morning....Nope

It is telling when something additional goes wrong in your day and you do not even bat an eye. The morning started out greatish with Phillip getting up when Clark woke up at 5:30. He got him back to sleep so I could stay in the bed until at least my alarm went off. I got up and started my morning routine as quietly as possible trying to make sure Clark stayed asleep as long as possible. Trying to also help out Phillip who wanted to leave the house about 9:00am to take the kids to see his mom and grandma while he got his oil changed I filled a couple of extra bottles with milk and a sippy cup. I then got out the cooler bag and made sure there was an ice pack in the freezer. After all this I started getting my lunch together and then was extremely pissed at myself.  Yesterday at lunch I had run an errand with a coworker and we stopped at Taco Bueno for lunch. My total was going to be $4.40 or I could do the 5 for $5.00 and get an additional 2 bean burritos. I went with the extra burritos thinking I could save them for lunches the rest of the week or take them home to Phillip. At the end of the day I took them home for Phillip. Once home though the kids wanted my attention, I got side tracked and never took the burritos out. I found them this morning in my bag and had to throw away 3 bean burritos just because I did not remember them. I continued getting ready and was putting on my make-up when Logan woke up. He wanted me to hold him so I employed a skill that all moms seem to have. I held him ( yes he is only about a foot shorter than me) and continued getting ready 1 handed. After he got down I sat on the bed for a moment and he started crying. He just realized even though he is going to see Nene and Mimi today his cousins are not going to be there. He wanted to play with them soo bad and assumed it was a holiday so they would be there. I had to deal with that broken heart and then load up to leave. I got into the garage and hit the button only for the arm to come up but not the door. The nut holding the screw in the door had fallen off. Luckily I found it quickly and got it back on. I was having difficulty getting the door to reset until I just manually opened it and then pulled on the lever. Tada! I fixed it myself before Phillip was able to get into the garage. Of course he told me I put the nut on backwards but hey it is working now so I am good with it!

Anyway, last night I went home with the mission of making the pioneer woman's chicken fried steak. The making of this dish messed up a ton of dishes but final review is ok. I am not a huge fan as it was a bit bland but that is because I do not eat gravy. Phillip said he would not turn it down if I made it again although he said it was not as thick or fork tender like restaurant chicken fried steaks. He was over the moon about the gravy though. He even pulled some leftover biscuits from breakfast out and covered them with gravy to eat. I served this with mashed sweet potatoes from the sprouts trip.
After this I put Clark in the bathtub and then we worked on cleaning up the mess of dishes. After Logan's bath I did manage to knock washing the yoga mat off my list. There was not much left to the book I was reading so I finished it off last night before going to sleep.

I have some ham I need to use so that will be the meat tonight. I am trying to use the veggies I bought in an order so we do not lose any off them to spoilage. The red potatoes should hold for a little longer so I am going to use some of the broccoli or okra a couple at church gave us tonight.

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