Friday, August 30, 2013

life in a nutshell

I think the title is misleading but then again I have never been good at titles. My life is always overly busy and I guess that is the nutshell but other than that it never goes according to plan or in a smooth line.

Last week every night had a 10 item long to do list and I was just frantic running around trying to get things done.
My budget for August was hurting until a random check from my mom came in the mail. It was a godsend and I truly appreciate it. I was able to pay the sitter and then used the 1/3 rule for anything extra. This 1/3 rule applied to the extra from that check and the other items I sold through Amazon and FB allowed me to put $37 in our emergency savings account, $37 toward a bill and $37 I used for some groceries, a haircut for Logan and some needed items for the dog. $37 does not sound like a lot to put in savings but when you have been living paycheck to paycheck for so long it sounds amazing. There is a comfort knowing that this method may mean money if something comes up without us having to borrow or do without.

I have mapped out my September budget and made my budget notebook so I can keep up with where the money goes and there are no surprises.

August was also a month where I was lacking inspiration for meals and I ended up throwing together a lot of junky type quick fixes. I am looking at planning better for September so I will be hitting up the recipe books and pinterest to make a skeleton menu for the month before hitting the grocery store this weekend.

One other thing this month is I have been able to barter and resell a ton of items from the house. Having some non cluttered surfaces makes my soul happy and I can see craft projects getting accomplished soon. This is much needed since we always make almost our Christmas gifts and to get them done I need to plan and get started. I am going to can some more stuff and that will be part of the gifts but I also want to get some sewing and art projects done.

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