Thursday, August 8, 2013

Yeah for unexpected days off work!

A fabulous surprise that makes my week, we have to close tomorrow for new flooring so I have the day off work! My first thought was to keep the munchkin home but I checked that train before it got to far from the station. I will take him to the sitter in the morning and then come back to the house to tackle some of my list! There are always a ton of things I want to do that are to much of a hassle with the boys ( the munchkin and his dada) at the house. Plan so far is to take the munchkin to the sitter and come home to do some yard work before it gets to hot, I need to tear out my garden and get the fall garden started. I am going to use the square foot gardening method I believe for the fall. Turbo has also got to get a bath and then I can get showered and tackle the house. I need to get ready for the JBF sale when I do not have small hands trying to clean all the toys out of the to go pile. I am hoping I can also organize my ebay and amazon items in the office closet and reclaim so space for crafts. If I amazingly have any time left I think I am going to get started on some sewing projects. This is of course my vision of tomorrow and who knows what it will actually look like.

As for the menu this month, last night we had hot dogs to use up some buns I bought at the day old store. This was served with homemade shells and cheese. I have not a clue what we are having tonight but need to start thinking about it.

The September debt free budget is tossing and turning in my head so I will probably get it down on paper over the next couple of weeks and try to convince Phillip to put his on paper.

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