Saturday, August 10, 2013

Saturdays at our house....

I would say today was a normal Saturday and part of it was but truly what are normal days?  This morning I had to get up earlier than I would have liked to get to the co-op for my basket pick-up. The basket this time was a good mix and the couple of items we will not eat I am trading for some more mason jars so it is an amazing win for me. After coming home Phillip was off to mow the church's lawn and I laid back down since the munchkin was still asleep. I ended up getting up, hanging a load of laundry out and getting a shower before he woke up. He got up just as I was headed in there to get him dressed so we could go to Lowe's for the build and grow clinic. He enjoys the builds and gets free toys out of it. We left Lowe's and went to the library which is another of our favorite places to be. After the adventure in books we went to the bank which I will say is sheer torture. I generally never go through the drive through but I needed non twenties so I had to actually cash a check instead of using the ATM. Literally 20 minutes later with only 1 car in front of us we were home. I bartered with someone for a bicycle and was paying gas money for her to deliver and so we made sure we were home and she has as of yet to arrive or message me. I am afraid I had the wrong day but really afraid that I have been stood up. Logan, Phillip and I just hung around the house and by that I mean Phillip took a shower and then checked his email and then a nap. Logan chased the dog around endlessly until I finished listing items on ebay, fb and craigslist and suggested we go outside to plant the garden. Getting the clothes off the line was my main objective but we also cleaned out my irises, planted some bulbs that were laying around, and put in our fall garden. All of this allowed the sprinkler to come on and the munchkin to play in the water, that is until his dada reminded me it was not Sunday which is our day to water and then we ceased the sprinkler fun. Logan still managed to have fun playing in the mud we created while I cleaned up the garden tools and then in for baths. Dinner was quite simple but yummy all the same tonight. I fixed chicken and parmesan pasta with a side salad using lettuce from the co-op basket and watermelon also from the basket. Dinner is cleaned up and I am getting ready to get off here and play Uno Moo with a child who is tired but trying not to fall asleep. We had to pick up his room earlier and he used that time to pick out his 3 books for bed time tonight.

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