Monday, August 12, 2013

Work and other activities

I am seriously a creature of habit and I like my habits! After work today I was supposed to drop off a trade item but instead drove straight home like I had nothing else going on. The best excuse I can come up with is it was not my trade, I am just acting as a go between so it was not on my radar. To prevent this from happening again tomorrow the 2 parties who the trade is for are supposed to remind me. We shall see how this goes!

We went through all of our DVDs and downsized them. I have listed a ton on amazon and the few that are not worth a lot for sale value I will try to trade. The cash can be used for bills and anything I trade for is something I do not have to buy. Getting rid of a ton of DVDs allowed us to fit the remaining in our cabinet and clean up our fireplace. I totally cleaned the floors tonight ( swept 4 times, steam mopped twice) and now as soon as I go through the munchkin's toys and clean my couch cushions the project will be totally done. Decluttering is helping us pay bills and I think adding some peace to our lives with the lack of clutter. As soon as I am done with the livingroom/kitchen and have traded all my listed items or found them new homes through another means I am going to start on the bar area which is where my crafts are. The last frontier in the house them will be our room/bathroom. I can almost taste the zen feeling of having a clean and clutter free house, of course with a toddler and a collector for a husband it will never be totally clutter free but at least there can be some order to my world. After the house I am going to tackle the porch and yard.

As far as totals on groceries I went to Kroger on Friday to use up some of their coupons for free items that were downloaded to my card. I then ended up back at Kroger last night for more milk. My totals for the 2 visits were $3.04 and $2.78 so the total for the month is $145.14. We are almost half way through so I am hoping to keep it to a minimum. I lucked out and got a $3.00 off any purchase at Kroger coupon so I can get another gallon of milk free this month plus some change off something else. I will try to plan accordingly.

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