Friday, April 15, 2016

Books Apr 1st Through Apr 15th

I do not have much to talk about with respect to audio books since the last post. I finished listening to Bill Nye's Unstoppable this week. It covers the subject of climate change and ridding our dependence on fossil fuels. He has some really good insights into research and ideas of things we can all do both at a local level and on a national level. This is a topic I am fairly well versed in and many suggestions I try to apply to my daily life. I am glad that we are waking up to this topic on a national level. After I finished that one I started listening to The Happiness Project which is something I had started reading in print but gladly switched over to audio book so I can finish it. On the fence currently with this one. I am always looking for insights to making my life better and some suggestions I have already been tackling such as cleaning up and simplifying your environment. We will see where else this goes and if I can use it in my daily life.

Print books are slower than ever. I finished Notorious Nineteen and thought it was an ok light read which is why I was reading it. Once it was finished I picked up Amish Life which was really just a cool picture book of the daily life of a couple of Amish groups. Once I looked through that one I went back to tackling my currently reading list. That meant trying to get through The Complete Idiot's Guide to Selling Your Crafts which I am not finding overly useful. I will finish it mainly to get it off my list and hope there are some tips I can use in it somewhere. I would love to supplement my income with my homemade items and get at least my student loans paid off.

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