Monday, April 20, 2015

Great friends and no electric

Saturday morning Logan was up earlier than I can ever get him up on a school morning but because Clark was still asleep we convinced him to play in his room and we tried to sleep a little longer. It was not totally successful so we all got up and got ourselves ready for the library. The kids and I headed to the library while Phillip worked on some homework. At the library Logan played on the kid's computers for a little bit while I tried to read. I was not having much success because Clark was climbing everywhere. We left there with new books and DVDs for Logan and found a yardsale on the way home. I only had $3.00 cash on me and Logan managed to find $2.50 worth of stuff he wanted. We ended up with a Hot Wheels car hauler and a cowboy hat with a star on the front. As soon as we got home he got his stick horse and was riding it around with the hat on. Phillip and he had hair appointments scheduled so after some play time they headed out to get haircuts. The tiny one was asleep and stayed that way for about 10 minutes after they left. He is crawling now so he likes playing on the floor for a little while at a time. I just kept moving him from location to location with me as I did the dishes, cleaned up my BBT items, put away clothes that Logan had outgrown for Clark and did a load of laundry. Cleaning up the dog hair and steam mopping where high on the list and I was partially through these when a friend stopped by. She is amazing! Her gift was 4 T-bone steaks, a gallon of milk and a dozen eggs from her chickens. I honestly have never had T-bone steaks in my life so this will be an amazing treat which I will have to take pictures of and post here. It was a nice although short visit as she suspected I would not be home. Once she left I continued working on cleaning up, with my craft items and canning supplies being the next goal. That project was underway when the boys came home with new hair dos. This caused a work stoppage as Logan wanted to play outside in the mud but it looked like more rain was coming in. We passed on playing in the mud for the time being and he pouted. Dinner was taco soup in the crockpot made with the leftover ground beef, black beans and tomato sauce from the soft tacos we had Friday night. I added some pinto beans, creamed corn, ro-tel, and ranch dressing and poof a few hours later dinner is ready. The kids jumped in the bath after dinner, it was cut short when Phillip mentioned the wind had changed direction and picked up. Literally Logan was putting on his pajama pants and I only had a diaper on Clark when the power went out. Logan was scared until Phillip took him to get flashlights and they talked about the storm and the dark. This was a blessing in disguise as the dark fooled the kids into going to bed early and we all hit the hay. I ended up sleeping on the couch though since both kids were in our bed and Phillip is really too tall to sleep on the couch. Sunday we decided to go ahead and go to church even though the power was off. We were not going to get much done at home without electric and we might as well take our chargers to get our cell phone batteries recharged. I was amazed that we still had some hot water but it was enough for Phillip and I to get quick showers and get going. Phillip received a text message about 1 telling us the power was back on at the house. Logan wanted to stay and play with his friend Loralee so he spent the afternoon there. Clark was still asleep when we got home so we followed suit and took a small nap. Once up I ran the dishwasher and cleaned all the leftovers out of the fridge. I really just did not trust them after 15 hours with no power. I had some ice packs which I put in the fridge to help keep it cool and we only opened it a couple of times to get out juice and meds for the kids but I thought it better to be safe than sorry. A little more cleaning and then it was time to pick up Logan. At the meeting spot I discovered a field of bluebonnets. It is time for bluebonnet pictures in this part of the country. After a quick chat with Loralee's dad we headed home and Logan had a bowl of oatmeal. The boys got their baths and then played for a little bit. Once Clark was asleep, I read with Logan and then he played a game on my phone for a couple of minutes so I could finish the chapter I was reading in my book. All this gave way to sleep and then Monday morning!

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