Monday, March 21, 2016

Good Deeds...1 a Day?

I will start this story with a brief explanation for those who have never been to Winco before. Winco is a store with no sackers. There are 2 belts side by side so the cashier can continue to check out customers while the previous one bags their own groceries. I have no issue with this as I like my items bagged a certain way and I understand this is one of the ways they keep costs down. Now to the story: I swung in on Saturday morning early after I picked up from my produce co-op. After I checked out and was bagging my groceries I heard the elderly lady checking out behind me ask if someone could help her bag her groceries because she just had wrist surgery. I finished quickly as I did not have a lot of items and knew that the cashier was going to end up having to bag the groceries as there is really no one to call over. I just ask the lady if she wanted paper or plastic and then started bagging for her. Her only request was they not be heavy which was an easy one to overcome. As we were parting ways she said "Now you have done your good deed today". This really made me think, it is something I have said and have heard my whole life but why? Why is it only 1 good deed a day? Our lives should be lived so that we are kind and helpful to others which inherently should lead to more than one "good" deed each day.

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